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tv   Hannity  FOX News  October 30, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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responses which are hi rare use to that interview. i'm just 5,000 away from 100,000 twitter followers. follow me @megyn kell let's go over the top together! here's hannity. welcome to "hannity." tonight the obama administration official in charge of the disastrous health care overhaul was finally dragged in front of lawmakers today. health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius testified before a house committee. she dodged questions, made up facts and continueses to be dishonest with the american people. in a moment we'll have people who participated in the grilling but first the highlights. >> madam secretary, while you are from kansas, we are not in kansas anymore. >> let me say directly to these americans you deserve better. >> here we are five weeks into enrollment and the news gets worse by the day.
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>> the president said if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. is he keeping his promise? >> yes, he is. >> my insurance policy was cancelled. the white house website says if you like your health plan you have, you can keep it. did i hear it wrong? >> i am as frustrated and angry as anyone with the flawed launch of health >> i think it's great that you are a team player taking responsibility it is the president's ultimate responsibility, correct? >> you clearly -- uh -- whatever. >> even this morning when you attempted to view the site before the hearing we were hit with ap error message. >> some people like to drive a ford and drink out of a red sol organization cup t, not a crystal stem. you are taking their choice. >> why aren't you losing your insurance? >> amazon would never do this. kayak would never do this. >> you are in charge of the law. should you be different from all of the other americans out the there? >> i told the president we were
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ready to go. clearly i was wrong. >> sebelius took questions from house lawmakers for almost three and a half hours defending obama care despite the disastrous rollout and continued to twist facts about the health website and glitches. watch this. >> we were anxious to get the website up and running and functional which we have clearly failed to do to date although i would suggest the website has never crashed. it is functional but at a very slow speed and low reliability and has continued to function. >> oh, slow speed. how can she say that with a straight face? we tried on this program four times to create an account on health we have been shut out each and every the time. earlier today while kathleen sebelius was testifying we tried to log on and look what happened. as you can see on the left it says, the system is down at the
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moment. we are experiencing technical difficulties and hope to have them resolve soon. please try later. you can't make this stuff up. james carville is back and chuck carlson. why are you smiling? >> she was dragged bf the committee? are you sure that's the adjective to use? >> doou you think she wanted to with with there? >> i wouldn't say dragged. >> i see a football helmet. she was certainly providing a lot of cover for president obama. she said, no, no, he's not responsible. it's me. she was asked, who's your boss? who is responsible, james? >> i would play that as a democrat i hope they play that hearing 24/7. i just -- >> no, you don't. >> of course i do. the idea of those guys beating her up saying it's my fault.
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on november 30 it will work or it won't. if it works they will look stupid. if it doesn't she'll look stupid. we'll know on november 30. >> we already know the website -- by the way, the year is 2013. the fact that you can spend hundreds of millions and not get a website working ought to scare every american. >> it's also 2013 and we can evaluate a woman's performance based on performance, not whether she's a woman or not. this is not gender politics. she's an adult, a cabinet secretary. to say that i'm accountable but not really. i'm not going to resign. the flaws of obama care are deeper. the bottom line is this is a massive transfer of wealth from the poorest segment of the society, young people, to the richest, old people. that won't work in the end. >> let's go back to a fund mental promises. obama said this a hundred times well. eel play one version of it.
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you like your plan, you can keep your plan. watch. roll tape. >> under the reform we are proposing. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. if you do have health insurance we'll help make sure your insurance is more secure. if you like your health care plan you can keep it. >> you can keep your health insurance, keep your choice of doctor, keep your plan. >> if you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan. >> marcia blackburn had an exchange with sebelius today about the issue. she wasn't promising you can keep your plan. >> madam secretary, before, during and after the law was passed the president said if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. is he keeping his promise? >> he is.
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>> okay. what do you say to mark and lucinda in my district who had a plan, they liked it, it was affordable. it was terminated and now they don't have health insurance. >> insurance companies cancel individual policies. they are one year contracts with individuals. they are not lifetime plans. not an employer plan. >> let me move on. it's what they wanted. i will remind you some people like to drive a ford, not a ferrari and some people like to drink out of a red solo cup and not a crystal stem. you are taking away their choice. >> james carville, i know you are a man of your word. >> right. >> the president made the promise and 16 million americans with individual health plans aren't keeping their plan, james. >> i would like to see that calling a bicycle a car doesn't make it a car. >> don't duck the question. >> i'm not ducking the question. most of the plans don't even
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cover hospitalization. that's not health insurance. >> i'm not talking about the quality of the plan. if people want to keep their plan, they can't keep it. true or not? >> no. you have to have a plan that meets certain requirements. >> the president didn't say that. >> you have to have a plan that meets requirement. he should have said. >> he should have said. >> fine. i will say it. what that couple may have -- >> the president said if you like your plan you can keep it. they knew in july of 2010 -- go ahead. keep talking. >> calling a bicycle a car doesn't make it a car. >> not answering the question. >> some people drive cars. some people drive bicycles. under affordable care act if you don't have hospitalization that doesn't qualify as a plan. >> talk about blaming the victim. >> i'm not --
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>> absolutely. you are saying you deserve to lose your plan because in your view it's not enough. we care more than you do. it's not a good enough plan. your house is in bad taste. i'll knock it down. >> it's worse than that, tucker. >> it couldn't be worse. >> let me tell you. if you don't have health insurance you have to buy it. you can say, i choose not to have it, but you show up and you're a burden on a health care system. >> okay. >> this forces you to have health insurance which is a good thing. >> health insurance that includes add-ons and various interest groups lobbied for. i'm paying for rogaine treatments and your birth control whether i want to or not. it is a transfer of money from me to you. from the responsible to the irresponsible, from the poor to the rich. >> it's irresponsible not to have hospitalization. >> shouldn't it be a plan i want? why not tell me what kind of
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toothpaste i can use. >> what if somebody has a catastrophic plan, a young person that they pay $98 a month for. now they can't have it. the president made the explicit promise. >> of course they can have it as long as they have a plan which covers ten elements. >> they are not keeping that plan. >> a plan that insures me against ovarian cancer. >> you can have any plan you want as long as it's a plan i want you to have. anything you want as long as it's exactly what i want you to have. >> we have to the take a break. hang on. >> this reminds me of your buddy bill clinton who said, we were alone but i never really thought we were alone. >> back to monica lewinsky. you have to think of something else. >> it's not a matter of thinking. i expect our president to be honest, tell the truth. >> weapons of mass destruction.
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>> more with tucker and james and more of sebelius's testimony from earlier today. plus coming up next -- >> we are not going to let them down this time. it's important for you to have the facts. >> no kidding. too bad the president didn't give you, the american people, the right onces when they overhauled thing system. up next, how the administration's words are coming back to haunt them. you have been voting at the king of late night, the guy fired not once, not twice but has the highest ratings, jay leno questioned the botched obama care roll out. >> this is not looking good. remember the old days when president obama's worst embarrassment was joe biden? what happened? >> also tune in tomorrow in the spirit of halloween. we're asking you, the viewers to send us your obama care horror stories. message me on twitter, # obama
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care horrors. we'll head them throughout the the hour. we can only hope the president will be watching tomorrow, halloween night at 10:00 eastern on fox. you're givi away pie? would you like apple or cherry? cherry. oil...or cream? definitely cream. [ male announcer ] never made wi hydrogenated oil. oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] always made with real cream. the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy. yes. cup your hands together for me. rub it all the way up your hands. any exposed skin. and get the backs of your hands too. put some just around your neck. [ bell rings ] you're good to go. okay great thanks, here. can you hold him? [ bell rings ] [ female announcer ] by their second kid, every mom is an expert and more likely to choose luvs than first time moms.
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welcome back to the "hannity." we have learned the hard way the president lied when he promised you, the american people, you could keep your health care plan under obama care. today we couldenn't help ourselves. we had a flashback to 2009 when then white house blog under the headline the facts are stubborn things, they tried to defend the so-called affordable care act against republican evil truth tellers. one problem, the so-called facts they were defending were complete lies. this is priceless in retrospect. take a look. >> i'm linda douglas the communications director for the
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white house office of health reform. one of my jobs is to keep track of the disinformation out the there about health insurance reform. there are a lot of very deceiving headlines out there right now. the president has been talking to the american people a lot about health insurance reform and what's at stake for them. so what happens is because he's talking to the american people so much there are people out there with a computer and a lot of free time. they take a phrase here and there, cherry pick and put it together and make it sound like he's saying something he really didn't say. here is a clip they probably won't show you. >> here is a guarantee i have made. if you have insurance that you like, then you will be able to keep that insurance. if you've got a doctor that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor. nobody is trying to change what works. >> the country has been waiting for decades for action. we are not going to let them down this time.
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it's very important for you to have the facts. the clip you just saw is available on www.white as are many of the president's statements and speeches. take a look at that. see what the president is saying about health insurance reform and how it affects your life. >> nice try. you may want to take down this video. it's still on the website today. the lies continue to be debunked. it started with the nbc news report that came out yesterday. today a washington post fact check awarded president obama's pledge about keeping your plan four pinocchios which is their equivalent of a whopper of a lie. congratulations, mr. president. you did it again. we continue with james carville and tucker carlson. i see you smiling, james. it came up today about the four pinocchios. >> fox has gone to fact checkers. great. did mitt romney say we are not running a campaign by fact checkers? >> james, the election is over.
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>> i can't wait for jon stewart and colbert to do a fact check segment. i disagree with glen. he calls a bicycle a car. i think a bicycle is a bicycle. i don't think this is a health care plan these people have. on top of that only 17% were renewed before the affordable care act. >> you can rationalize all you want but you can't keep your plan. remember, the president said you will save $2500 per family per year. that's not true either. >> a lot of families will save money. >> no, they are not. >> it will save the country money, too. >> b nobody thinks the country will save makeup. this isn't going to work. we'll expand medicare and medicaid. do you know who's hurt? the 12 to 14 million people in the middle who don't have health care. they are small business owners, not obama voters.
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people who voted for obama will be fine. i wonder what percentage of the 14 million voted for the president. >> is a congressional budget office part of everybody or they don't count? they say it will save money. they don't count? >> who thought they were going to keep their health insurance. they purchased it voluntarily. it doesn't qualify as health insurance. talk about blaming the victim. >> you said everybody. is the congressional budget office a part of everybody? >> we are off track. >> okay. i'm sorry. >> the manhattan institute. >> oh, whoa. >> per male they are going up and the women are going up 62%. >> viegt. >> a woman and a man. the woman pays $18,000 more a
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year and a man $10,000 more. they both voted for barack obama. they are not happy with him. >> so we have the her tanl foundation known for impartiality as is the manhattan institute. i have never seen people who call it down the line like these organizations. then we have two people in america and, wow, bowl me over. >> i guess the only thing, tucker, as i listen to james, james is a guy that must have a picture of obama hanging over the man tell and he lights candles because he's chanting in his mind "yes, we can." le the truth is the truth. america is experiencing rate shock, losing coverage and the president's promises have been debunked and the washington post gave him four pinocchios for lies. >> james is a more sensible man. in his heart he's probably thinking i can't believe it's fallen to me to defend this disaster. this is just a snapshot in time. this is not going to work. i don't think the administration
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thinks it will work. you are hearing honest ones saying, why not expantd medicare and medicaid in the first place. i bet my car in the next year this will have moved on. obama care will be a stop gap but the national health care solution will be to expand medicare and medicaid. they are bankrupting the country, but that's where they are going. mark my words. >> james, one last thing. >> okay. gid. >> i feel sorry for you tonight. >> you don't have to. >> i do. >> i think it will work. it's working in massachusetts, california. >> james -- >> we disagree. you say it won't work. i say it is. i'll be back a year from now. one of us will be right. one will be wrong. >> as americans get their rate shock and americans get plans cancelled and see the president's promises aren't worth the paper they are printed on there will be apgry people, james. i'll bet you your saints have a better chance of winning the
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super bowl. >> with the manhattan institute and heritage foundation. >> go there. get a good education there. >> thank youment. >> thanks, guys. >> coming up, the "hannity" investigation into the motivation behind the president's massive health care overhaul. is he trying to transition america? is this part of a conspiracy? i don't know about that. into a single payer system. is that what he wants? we have tape about that. we have been voting for the video of the day. option two was this hilarious rnc ad. >> hello, i'm the private sector. >> i'm obama care. >> what are you doing down there snm down for a little maintenance. >> i don't understand. i work all the time. >> we want to hear from you. follow the show. vote online for the polls we have. we are asking should secretary sebelius be fired. vote
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specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll art investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide hi and he'll semoney aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. time for a "hannity" investigation into the goal of the president's health care overhaul. we have known the president was a proponent of a single payer health care system. we now have video to prove it. was this the intention from the beginning? we want to ask you. is this where america is headed? is this what their design is? watch this. >> i happen to be a proponent of
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a single payer universal health care plan. >> single payer health care plan. universal health care plan. that's what i would like to see. as all of you know, we may not get there immediately. >> the public option is not your enemy. it is your friend, i believe. let me say -- address an illegitimate concern being put forward by those who are claiming that a public option is somehow a trojan horse for a single payer system. >> so is obama care just a way to transition the country into a single payer system? was that the president's master plan all along? here with reaction her first national television interview liz cheney. i am fully supporting and endorsing, only if it helps you. >> thank you, sean. great to be back. i'm honored to have your
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endorsement. >> we need strong people that will fight. i want a republican party with no pale pastels but bold colors. this seems like a big issue for republicans. do you suspect when the president and the speeches in 2003, 2007 and so on when he said canada didn't start immediately with a single payer system. they had a similar transition step. >> yeah. >> do you suspect what i do? >> i think you're exactly right, sean. one thing about the president is he often what he's thinking. people spend a lot of time trying to guess what his motive is. he told us. he said repeatedly, time and again that we'd have to transition to single payer as we watch the complete train wreck of the roll out of obama care you have seen liberal democrats, his allies saying,en this is what we need to do is move to a single payer system. the president believes this nation needs to have more federal government control over
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all of our lives. he's trying to limit individual rights and freedoms. they think they know better than we do and they say, the only policies cancelled are policies that aren't good enough for you as if we don't know the policy we need. i think this is clearly where he's headed. it's a strong word in politics the to say somebody lied. that's absolutely what this president has done time and again is lie to the american people. frankly hoping he wouldn't get caught. >> three months of a signing the bill into a law when they made the changes to those who made changes to policies that were supposedly grandfathered in. they knew 67% of those with plans would lose insurance. they never told us. >> right. >> i know people are trying to make excuses, he didn't know. he had to know. it seems to fit his pattern of radical ideology. what do you see? >> clearly they knew we have the
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documents now to prove they knew. i really believe this president is the most radical man who's inhabited the oval office. he thinks the government knows best, the federal the government knows best. he believes partly because he has most of the media on his side that he can plow through this and go ahead and implement this massive train wreck. when people say, wait, you said my policy wouldn't be cancelled he says, we'll move to single payer so nobody's policy is cancelled. we all know at the end of the day where it leads. as you said in the beginning it's a moment when we've got to have conservatives and republicans stand up against this. this is a dangerous moment for the nation. the next three years when this president's administration will be winding down he'll do everything he can to make sure his policies take deep root. we have to stand against it or we won't recognize the nation when he's done. >> it seems that when the president says you like your
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plan you can keep your plan. then he had no intention of that being a promise he'd fulfill or saving per family per year $2500 a year. nowhere near the $900 billion he sold it as. the website wasn't as user friendly as he promised it would be. you have all the people on the left that defend it. why? >> yeah. >> is it just that they have bought into hope and change and yes, we can and they are chanting in their mind every morning? why doesn't it bother them? >> they have drunk the kool-aid. one of the things about the administration is the unbelievable arrogance. the combination of a president who just tells the country, of course you can keep your policy. of course. don't worry. your premiums will go down, not up. combine it with what we saw today with kathleen sebelius saying "whatever" when asked if the p president is accountable. everybody who saw it thought of hillary clinton and the benghazi testimony when she said, what
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difference does it make. kathleen sebelius seems to think she doesn't work for the american people. this is out of control. a president operating outside the the bounds of the constitution who thinks he's above the rule of law. if republicans, conservatives don't stand up and fight as i said we'll lose fund mental values and freedoms. >> benghazi, fast and furious, nsa, irs, he finds out so much from the news. >> the accidental disaster we are seeing except it's not accidental. >> plan on being out in wyoming hopefully as your campaign moves forward. looking forward to seeing you. >> love to have you come out, sean. god's country. >> it is. it's beautiful. coming up, she's in hot water over the obama care rollout but kathleen sebelius is no stranger to controversy. up next the questionable past of the h hs secretary that the
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media ignored. this is a "hannity" investigation you won't see anywhere else. plus your choice for the video of the day. holiday shopping is about to start. option three, something no one wants to happen to them. packages stolen right off a doorstep. did this make the cut? find out. dad! dad! katy perry is coming to town. can we get tickets, pleeeeease??? tickets? hmm, sure. how many? well, there's hannah, maddie, jen, sara m., sara b., sa -- whoa, whoa. hold on. (under his breath) here it comes... we can't forget about your older sister! thank you, thank you, thank you! seriously? what? i get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. can i come? yep. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on entertainment and dining out, with no annual fee. to apply, go to nascar is about excitement. but tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners,
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ice-cream discounts. multi-cookie discounts. pizza loyalty discounts! [ kids chanting "flo!" ] i also have some great ideas on car insurance. [ silence ] finding you discounts since back in the day. call or click today. i like her. welcome back. we have an important "hannity" investigation to share with you. this looks into the questionable past of kathleen sebelius. we raised red flags the moment her nomination was announced and here's why. >> i'm kathleen sebelius, secretary of health under president obama. >> most know her as the health and human services secretary at the center of the obama care storm. but sebelius is no stranger to controversy and heated political battles. as the top insurance regulator for kansas in 2002 she blocked
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the merger of two major health insurance providers over the objections of those who argued that it would have allowed them to be more competitive. she ran for governor of kansas with health care as a major campaign platform. >> as insurance commissioner she stood up to hmos. >> she sure did. >> and refused campaign money from insurance companies. >> absolutely. >> as governor i will continue b fighting for affordable health care. >> as a democratic governor in a conservative red state she often battled with republican kansas lawmakers. sebelius blocked plans to expand power plants and four times vetoed bills that were passed to allow them to be built. by far the biggest controversy surrounding sebelius involves abortion. a prominent donor to her campaign for governor was george tiller, the abortion doctor known for performing late-term abortions who was later murdered by an anti-abortion activist. tiller, his wife, clinic and pac donated to her campaign.
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after she was elected operation rescue uncovered a party that was thrown for tiller and his staff at the governor's mansion. sebelius claimed the party was a prize for winning an auction and wasn't paid for with taxpayer money but receipts show the state paid the bill and was only reimbursed after the story hit the press. despite the controversy, kathleen sebelius was looking past kansas for bigger and better things for democrats nationally. >> we have the the first democratic majorities in the house and senate since '94 and the first democratic majority of governors. in '94 we had one other piece of the puzzle -- a president of the united states. but we can pick that up in 2008 and add that. >> with those goals in mind she played a major role in the 2008 presidential campaign of then senator barack obama. >> i am so proud to have kathleen sebelius here as one of our key endorsers. give it up for the governor of
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kansas! >> including speaking at the 2008 democratic national convention. >> please welcome governor kathleen sebelius. >> it's no surprise when eventually she was chosen as a cabinet appointee. >> kathleen sleel yus embodies a commitment to bipartisan accomplishment. >> ahazingly the abortion issue was glossed other in her confirmation hearings where senators focused on her defense of the president's health care overhaul. we heard some of the arguments that sound, well, quaint now. >> reform must guarantee choice of doctor it is and health plans including a choice between a public and private plan option. no american should be forced to give up a doctor they trust or a health plan they like. >> joining me now with reaction, co-hosts of the hit show "the five," bob beckel and andrea tantaros good to see you. >> good to see you. >> we cbeckel, do you have a prm with that background? >> what a professional you are.
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you're in a bad mood and you're doing this and everybody thinks you're happy out there. >> seeing you makes me happy. >> thank you very much, hannity. i would say that's probably not the kind of information she'd like out there. i wouldn't either. i'm not for the plan so it did you want matter. >> you were for the health care plan. >> i was trying to defend it as best i could. the more i look at it, shurnts companies are involved and i want them out. >> single payer? >> the insurance companieses are the ones. >> we did an investigation and showed obama over the years has said he wants to start here like canada and will transition into single payer. >> if he had his wish he would be with bob on backing a single payer. even democrats in congress, sean, at the time they passed obama care enough of them could not put single payer into the legislation. even democrats couldn't unanimously get behind single
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payer. by the way, single payer is the dumbest idea i have ever heard. you think, bob, you could shove the insurance companies out of here and put people in charge of that disastrous website in charge of health? look at europe. england has single payer. it's great if you are healthy, terrible if you're sick. tons of people in long license, rationing body. the national institutes of health -- >> recent court ruling. really shoddy care. it's a nightmare. >> amazing how you look back on preobama care as the golden days. since 1950 the insurance industry raised premiums every year. >> not like this. >> it's said you could be grandfathered in if you didn't change the policy. the insurance companies changed the policies. >> do you hear this? >> it was july after the law was signed by the president. they are the ones that said you
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are not grandfathered in if the deductible goes u. they changed the law after it was passed. >> if you kept your policy and didn't change it. >> the insurance company changed their policy. >> the president lied. >> he did not. >> yeah. >> that's a strong allegation. you are defending insurance companies? >> i know you need someone to blame. i have said it many times i would never defend insurance companies. i don't think they are good people. they are interested in making profit bus the reason they are doing what they are doing is because you have a number of sick people signing up. they are not going to have books go into a death spiral over this. not enough healthy people are signing up. the law was poorly written. nobody in the media read it or reported the problems when they were foreseeable. >> you agree to scrap obama care now. >> i'm a realist. i would delay the individual mandate for a queer. >> nope. >> no? >> . >> republicans do not let
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democrats off the hook on the this one. >> this is the way to win and reverse obama care is to win in 2014. >> congrats to you. number one status. congratulations. >> i'm glad you're in a better mood. >> up next we continue the week long series. you were warned. this is what we told you would happen if obama care became the law of the land if only democrats listened. austin goolsby is here. and your pick for tonight's video of the day coming up straight ahead. so if you have a flat tire, dead battery, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes
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welcome back to "hannity." we are continuing our week-long series we titled "you were warned." back before obama care was passed we highlighted the catastrophic changes that would
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take place if the law was implemented. many lawmakers joined our efforts at the time. charles gustani was a guest on one of the universal nightmare specials. this was in 2009 on the show. >> it's nice to say if you like what you have you can keep it, but that's not the case. a number of studies show millions of people could be pushed off private insurance into a government option based on the numbers with the house bill. in the senate bill, what happens is it raises taxes on families and small businesses significantly, number one. secondly, it's also going to raise the cost of premiums for everybody significantly. that could make insurance more out of reach. >> joining me to try to defend his old boss former obama economic adviser, always with a smile on his face. >> only here to defend the
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truth, not my boss. >> you care about the truth. >> i'm here to defend the truth. >> if a promise made, if you made a promise to your kids you would keep your word, right? >> first of all -- >> would you -- >> how are you not having me in for halloween. you have a guy named "ghoul"-sby. >> too scary. kathleen sebelius was getting grilled on capitol hill. congressman edwinfield asked b about the four pinocchios. the washington post is calling your former boss a liar. that's outrageous. i want to show you this. >> the washington post gave the administration, the president, yourself four pinocchios on if you like the insurance you have, you can keep it. would you recommend to the president that he stop using that term? wouldn't that be helpful in this debate?
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>> sir, i think he used the term at the time the law was passed. >> and as of september 26 also. >> that's why we -- >> you don't believe the washington post and -- >> i haven't seen it. >> four pinocchios? for lying. not truthful. dishonest. >> there is a category of pants on fire. when i was in the administration republican critics often got pants on fire. >> pants on fire, from me. millions of people had their plans cancelled. austin. >> that is not correct. >> 300,000 in florida. 900,000 in california if you listen to health care experts as their plans evolve because of the changes made in july, 2010 there may be 16 mill yichblt. >> there is, that is a bogus number. >> that is not a fact. let us refresh our memories of what the definition of a fact
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s it needs to be true. you cannot quote a number and say it's a fact if it's not true. now, in the analysis, that people have made over what, what peoples plans would not meet minimum standard to count as health care insurance that, is something like six tenths of 1% of the people in the country. if we want to say you think for the -- health care expert. >> let me quote -- . >> fine. we can argue about that. >> for 99.4% of the country. >> not true. >> it's correct. >> let me educate you. your facts are wrong. i want to help freighten you out. >> health expert talking about the u.s. individual health market. those have their own plans. >> which is only 19 million. he's pointing out because they
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change what is grandfathered. original law had words in there. if you like it, you plan. numbers so high, that now, if your deductible changes you're not grandfathered in. and that means you get forced into exchange. he's pointing out and says it's because of the changes, 85 approximately 85%, or 16 million goring to get cancellation leters over next year. >> yes. first of all you're failing to mention a majority of the people in the market got policies cancelled on every other year basis. it's a high return rate. >> the president said, wait a minute. the letters are citing obama care. >> they have been estimating. >> letters citing obama care. for the reason for cancellation. >> how many are there? >> he said if you like your plan, you can keep it.
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>> as i said we're talking about 0.6% of the country. for 99.4% interest tl is not a question. >> you're citing florida. the ceo of the florida blue cross-blue shield you keep citing has gotten up and said the highly mislead thing to say. that they aren't terminating peoples' insurance. they're giving them better insurance for less money. >> four pinocchios. for the washington post. millions of americans losing their plan and getting cancellation notices. the majority of the american people getting rate-shock increases. your answer is too bad? suck it up? we're getting what we want? >> no. no. sean. i thought that you'd be criticizing implementation of the web site. they need to fix it. but if 99.4% of the country is
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getting what he says... >> that number is false. i'll bet you anything you want your numbers are wrong.. >> you never -- . >> san jose mercury news, l.a. times are chronicling this. you need to get out of the obama... >> you owe me a dinner. >> i paid off one dinner. >> you sent me a gift card. >> i don't want my president lying to me. >> i want to be told the truth. >> i want you in my dining room having a dinner. >> i'd rather get four pinocchios. >> suck it up. >> okay. >> but i did give you a ruth's chris gift card. we reveal your choice for the individual of the day, straight ahead. (vo) you are a business pro.
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welcome back to "hannity" time to reveal what have you chosen for video of the date. jay leno who nbc was dumb enough to fire not once, but twice ripping into the administration's botched rollout. take a look. >> reporting the president has known for three years people would lose their coverage. the press is now saying the president lied. the today the white house says it's not true, he did not lie. here is the tape from three years ago. >> if you like your doctor, you cannot keep your doctor. if you like your private health insurance, you cannot keep it. >> remember the old days? michelle biden? what happens to that? >> why would nbc be dumb enough to do that twice? i don't know. don't forget send us your obama care horror stories.
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i'm going to read some tomorrow night on the air. thank you for being with us, start your day each weekday morning with fox and friends. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. when greta goes "on the record" right now. second secretary sebelius getting grilled in this chair for three and a half hours there are five words that she is probably going to regret she said. >> you have heard it in here it is again. >> i don't do this to me. >> don't do this to me? regrettably that's what measures are thinking about obama care. >> you are the architect of the whole program and you will not go into it with the rest of the public. >> i did not say that for me i think it's illegal. >> will you go in. >> affordable coverage. >> come on, in the water is fine. >> don't do this to me. >> she today appeared unaware that she was eligible for the exchanges. >> i apologize. i'm accountable to you for fixing these problems.


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